Social #3 — Bucket list essay
Having bucket list that we want to accomplish before we die is basically showing that we have goals that looks unachievable and crazy.
Have you ever made a bucker list or a list of what you want to do in life ?
Are you aiming for a happy family, a successful career, travelling around the worls or your own cofee shop.
By creating a bucker list, I have created a pth for my life that I will begin to take the steps to achieve. The few things on my bucker list that I most want to
achieve are to travel the world, sky dive, and do something nice for a stranger.
Most importanly, I hope to find 10 best friends and visit every continet. I have always has the dream of travelling all over the worlld and finding the
place where I want to live for the rest of my life. By visiting each continent, I know I will ve fulfilling my ultimate goal of finding a place where I want to spend rest of my life.
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. ” -Michael Jordan
This quote tells me that I have to work hard to achieve goals and dreams, so when I made a bucket list it didn’t choose things that were simple and didn’t mean anything for me.
I chose the things that meant a lot to me, even if they were small.
I am going to share 15 of those things
- Visit 7 wonders of the world with friends
- Visit Chile
- Celebrate new year in the center of New York
- Surf in Bali
- Make tatoo
- Buy coffe for unknown person
- Create cloth style
- Dance on the table in the bar
- Bathe an Elephant
- Sing a Karaoker Duet
- Fall in love
- Grow 3 sons
- Create and lead profit company with easy going team mates
- Hire 10 people
- Buy house
- Visit 7 wonders of the world with friends
- Become expert in your professional field
What distinguish between goals and dreams?
Most importantly, goals are specific and achievable. I’m sure that almost every dream we can convert to goal, just need more effort and details.
As my manager from a job always saying “vague goal brings vague results” and it’s completely true.
Setting benchmarks along your path to success can help SMART technique which at most can specify goals and track achievements.
At the end of the essay, I would say that defining goals and dreams should be your habit and should be tracked by independent people, like friends or by family.